Choosing Right Wood for Your Swing Bed

June 12, 2016 4 min read

Choosing Right Wood for Your Swing Bed


        Furniture made with the right materials can last a long time. One of the best materials would be good-quality wood. Not only would your furniture look good, they would also exude class. Choosing the right kind of wood for your furniture, however, is not that easy if you don’t know much about woods used in making furniture. Swing bedsand porch swingslook a lot better and classier in wood. With the right choice, you can have the best swing.

        We have four kinds of wood available for our porch swingsand swing beds.These are the best kinds of wood available for any furniture. These are pine, cedar, cypress and teak.

        Pine.It’s a coniferous tree which is one of the most common trees around the world. It’s also one of the most common materials used in furniture simply because of its quality and durability. Pine furniture also has a variety of hues and firmness. It’s unique, long-lasting and can easily fit into any home design.

        Since not everyone is the same, it would be apparent that they would not like all the same things. They may have different designs and choices in mind when it comes to furniture. Pine, in this case, can be cut and shaped into any design which the clients and/or manufacturers prefer. Customization of furniture, then, is very much possible.

        Pine is considered softwood. This doesn’t refer to the wood itself, however, but the leaves. This means the leaves are intact all-year-round. Pinewood is very popular as a material for furniture like swing bedsand porch swings.The reason is that pine can be easily customized. It can also be easily stained with paint or varnish therefore it can also easily achieve a great finish. Its rings or knots also create natural designs that make every piece unique. It can match any wood furniture in your homes and you can paint it any way you want. You can also make your swing bedstand out in any room.

        Cedar.Cedar, like pine trees, is also a coniferous tree. With many different species existing, cedarwood can be made into many kinds of things like pencils, canoes, wood fence, and of course, furniture.

        When choosing the best wood to be made into outdoor furniture like porch swings, cedar is one of the best choices. Because of many outdoor elements and pests that can easily ruin any wood furniture, you have to make sure that the material used in your furniture can withstand decay. Cedars’ natural oils are especially resistant to decay and damage brought about by pests, insects, and water. This means it can retain its appearance longer even if it stays outdoors.

        Red cedar is mostly used in making furniture. You can have it stained or painted or even leave it bare. Either way, it would still stay strong and durable since it’s not prone to sagging. They are also the best choice if you want furniture with a bit of a rustic look. With its exceptional durability, it can last up to 30 years. As much as it would do great as outdoor furniture, it can also be great as indoor furniture.

        Cypress.Cypress tree or shrub is another coniferous tree with many available species that can be transformed into furniture, boats, gun cases, and other things.

        The cypress tree is also well-adapted for outdoor wood furniture. They typically grow in swampy areas and are also resistant to water. Its grain is relatively straight, therefore, making it more stable and desirable as a material for wooden furniture like swing bedsand porch swings.

       Ideally suited for outdoor use, it can be finished in a variety of ways. It’s a highly durable wood that can be machined into a smooth finish. It takes stains, coatings, and paints well.

        Because of its durability, they can even be used as flooring. Therefore, you can be sure that furniture, indoor or outdoor, made of cypress is durable and can last long.

        Teak.Teak is a tropical hardwood. It is also suitable as outdoor furniture. It can also be used as indoor furniture as well, like swing beds.It is, however, a bit more expensive than other types of wood because of its strong resistance to hard weather conditions. It also lasts longer than most furniture made of other kinds of wood.

        Teak furniture can either be finished or unfinished. Either way, it can still last for years. Not only is teak furniture durable, but it is also known for its elegance. Unlike other kinds of wood, it possesses some natural qualities which makes it more sought after than other wood furniture.

        It can be found in Southeast Asian countries. Since it’s one of the best materials for making wood furniture, governments make an effort to replace each tree that is cut down for its wood. Only mature teak trees can be cut down to make the best wood furniture. As a matter of fact, it takes around 80 years before a planted tree can be cut down for wood.

        The reason why teak is most valuable is because of its natural oils. Aside from this, rubber is also found within the tree. When some trees lose this oil when felled, teak do not. This is the reason why teak wood has much better weather-resistant features. When it is dried to a proper level, the oils and rubber are known to protect the wood from natural weathering. The oils can also protect the wood from what is known as dry rot. Moreover, since fungi, insects and other parasites usually help in rotting the wood, it’s important that your furniture keep them away. The same oils and rubber do this for teak wood. There would be no need to use treatments like weatherproof oils.

        The properties of teak stated above makes it ideal for outdoor furniture like porch swings.Its color may fade from brown to silvery gray over time. One more benefit of using teak wood is that you can cut down on wood treatment every year or so. Because of its natural properties, you can actually save money on maintenance of your furniture.

        Wood has always been the best material for furniture. They’re elegant, long-lasting and durable. They’re also perfect to use for both outdoor and indoor furniture.

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